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A standard size yard sign is 24”x18” (2 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet tall), the size of the signs you generally see on front lawns around election time for political campaigns. They are also commonly used to advertise real estate deals, garage sales, and family or small business announcements. The basic yard sign or lawn sign is made of lightweight corrugated plastic, sometimes called Cor-Plastic. It’s a popular medium for signage because it’s a printable surface that’s economical, weather-resistant, and durable. They can be printed on both sides. 

The reason 24 x 18 yard signs are so widely used is because they are big enough to get most basic messages across and easy to carry and set up. They can be set in the ground with a wooden stake, wire stakes, or a metal frame. Other common sizes for yard signs are 2′ x 2′,

4′ x 4′, 18” x 36”, 18” x 12” and 24” x 6”. But you can customize and get pretty much any size or shape you need. 

Best Sizes for Yard Signs

The size of the yard sign that will work best for you depends on several factors. Since the whole purpose of a sign is to attract someone’s attention so they will read your message, you need to consider the best way to do that. And that depends on conditions like location and traffic flow, and whether you’re talking about pedestrian traffic, local street traffic, or highway traffic.

For instance, if you need to place your sign on the sidewalk in front of your store on a busy sidewalk in downtown Orlando, the standard 18 x 24 sign will likely do the job. But if you’re trying to reach commuters zipping by the pasture on the county road in Kissimmee, you’ll want something bigger, maybe a 4′ x 4′ sign.

You’ve also got to consider the message or graphic you are using. If you have too much text on too small a printing space, you’ll wind up with one of those signs that looks like a public notice from the county zoning board about a hearing for a subdivision. You have to stop and stand in front of one of those with reading glasses for a few minutes. But if your message is just a few words like “Garage Sale Saturday” or “This Way to the Johnson Family Reunion,” an 18 x 24 yard sign will do just fine. Same for Birthday Yard Signs or Graduation Yard Signs.

The main job of the lawn sign or yard sign is to attract attention. So you need a big headline with enough room for details like location or phone number that will be in smaller letters, but still easily read.

Best Deal on Yard Signs

At JustYardSign, you can get our 4mm corrugated plastic yard signs with vertical fluting (vertical fluting up to 48″) at very affordable prices. These are durable and versatile, top-quality signs available in a wide variety of sizes with several options. We have a great price on same-day yard signs and off Personalized Custom Letter Yard Signs at a terrific price.

Give us a call at 407-205-9862 for the best service at the best prices.